It has something to do with the shallow space. The sky is filled with light reflecting moisture and so glows, like a theater scrim or backdrop, and the black letters seem too fresh for the conditions, almost photoshoped darker to sell some product. and the birm (sp?) burm? of snow seems to be lit by an arrent off camera light.
That looks so fake!
Tracy had the same comment! She thought it looked like a stage set. David E Davis was located in Preston Idaho (home to Napolean Dynamite).
Tell me more about why it looks fake?
It has something to do with the shallow space. The sky is filled with light reflecting moisture and so glows, like a theater scrim or backdrop, and the black letters seem too fresh for the conditions, almost photoshoped darker to sell some product. and the birm (sp?) burm? of snow seems to be lit by an arrent off camera light.
This would make a great woodcut.
I think some people might think it looks fake because it lacks a solid backdrop of some kind like a mountain or tree line.
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